Important Sitefinity Toolkit Update

Greetings all, I know it's been a while since I've updated here, but work, life, and everything once again has me by the throat, but not in a bad way, really. But as always, the first things to be sacrified are side projects like this.

One thing I did manage to do was finally install the Sitefinity Toolkit on my own website (always the last to be updated right?) meaning if you've been coming here looking for stuff and get broken links and 404 pages, you'll finally be able to see a helpful 404 page with search results that might help you find what you're looking for. If you still can't find something or something is broken, be sure to leave a comment on the new Disqus system so I can get back to you!

Sitefinity Toolkit Update

Speaking of the toolkit, I'm now considering the options of making future updates to the toolkit paid releases. I know that I said previously that it would always be free, but with freelance work down, the economy struggling, and a recent rent increase, I just can't afford to invest the time I have into the project and not use it to at least TRY to offset my ever increasing financial burden.

The decision has not yet been made and yes, I do realize that I've said on many occasions that it would always be free, but times, as we all know, are difficult. Things are especially tough for me, living in an area with almost NO opportunity for professional web developers like myself. Moving is unfortunately out of the question, so I have to do what I can to survive...

One thing is for certain: the CURRENT version of the toolkit (version 1.1.0) WILL AWLAYS be FREE and available for download. I will never take it down or charge for it! It's been downloaded hundreds of times and I hope that it has been helpful to everyone who has used it! But for now, I need to do some serious reflecting on where I want to go and what I want to do with this project, so until then, the next release is on hold.

What do you think? Would you consider paying for new features and updates to the toolkit? What is it worth to you? What kind of support expectations would you have?

Your input is very important to me, and will have a big impact on what I decide to do. If I don't hear from ANYONE, I'll use that as evidence that I should just go ahead and invest the time towards developing a paid product.

Thank you to everyone for your feedback, suggestions, and help in developing this project!

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SelArom Dot Net Profile Image

Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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