Two Free Helpful Tools for Testing, Listening, and Debugging GET and POST Requests

Today's quick post just serves as a bookmark for a few helpful tools that I've used in the past to troubleshoot and debug GET and POST requests. Turns out I needed to use one again and I couldn't remember what it was called or where to find it!

Not gonna let that happen again!

Of course we all know and love Fiddler so let's just get that out of the way right now! is a fantastic tool for sending requests, and includes support for adding authentication, parameters, as well as specifying the type of the request (GET, POST, etc.). It displays and formats the responses and is a must-have for testing things like APIs, both your own and external ones to see their responses.

You can also create an account so you can view, store, and even share your requests.

For more, check out the video overview:

Hurl Overview from defunkt on Vimeo.

RequestBin is the site I was looking for that I couldn't find or remember. This AWESOME tool will create a free listener that will let you test receiving requests, so you can see exactly what is being posted in full detail.

This is great for testing your code to make sure that it is posting correctly, or inspecting an incoming request (such as say the Post-Receive Hooks in GitHub, which is what I was doing) so you can see exactly what your receiving listener needs to pull out and handle.

RequestBin can even run locally so you don't have to compromise sending private data over the air.

With the help of these great tools you should have everything you need to cover testing HTTP requests, both posting your own to a remote service and receiving them into your own application.

What tools do you use on a regular basis? How do you use them? If you have used these above, what apps are you working on to test them with? Sound off in the comments!

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Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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