A Good Friday Indeed

What better day to log a life update than a holiday. Say what you will about them religious folk (and God knows, I do), but they do make for a good day off.

Unfortunately, my grandma had a saying:

programmers don't take vacations...

— Josh Morales (@SelAromDotNet) April 6, 2012

Days off are nothing more than a little bonus time to do all the OTHER work we've got on our plate. Side projects, freelance projects (by the way I'm available for hire!), there's never a real break.

But when you love what you do, it's never really work. So who needs a day off? When you do what you love, every day is a vacation!

That being said, this week was a productive one. At long last I've launched my Sitefinity Guru series, highlighting tips, tricks, code samples and videos for mastering the Sitefinity CMS.

Speaking of Sitefinity, I also upgraded this site to the latest 5.0 release, which took all of 5 minutes to do.

So things are going well, and its shaping up to not only be a good Friday, but a good April, and hopefully a good rest-of-2012. Take advantage of this day off; do something you haven't done in forever, even if it is just sleeping in.

As for me, I gotta get back to work!

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Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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