Now that I've got the backstory on this project out of the way, I can finally officially introduce WunderLook: an Outlook Add-in for Wunderlist.
This is my first attempt at writing both an Outlook Add-in as well as developing with Wunderlist. They don't have an official API that I could find, but I did discover the .NET Wunderlist API by lerainieur on SourceForge which is a major component of this project. Many thanks to the developer for making this available.
Status: Pre-pre-pre-alpha
The Add-in itself is not very useable. You cannot yet create lists, or tasks. You can only see your existing lists with existing tasks.
However you can also check off tasks to complete them (or uncheck to undo) and this change SHOULD be persisted and synchronized with your online lists.

I hope to continue to add the missing functionality, as well as some new features (like Outlook Synchronization!!) but being as I know almost nothing about what I am doing here, it will be very slow going.
Which is why I've published the project source out to Codeplex. Hopefully someone else will take an interest in this project and help move this thing forward, or at least make it so that it's not so crappy-awful looking.
If I make any progress on this thing I'll be sure to update here and on the project site, so watch these spaces for any news. In the meantime, please feel free to play with it and send me your feedback.
PS: Next on my list: creating my first plugin for Windows Live Writer, which apparently is even LESS documented than creating Office add-ins. Ah the life of a developer is never easy, and I don't think we'd have it any other way. Not that we could if we tried... Anyway, stay tuned!
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Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.
His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.