JustCode is JustSmart

I was doing some coding today when I discovered something very slick about Telerik's JustCode tool I just had to share.


I needed to add a property to a class, and my coding style puts private properties and their public accessors in separate #regions. I added the private member to the "Private Properties" region, and decided to let Just Code stub it out for me, expecting it to generate the public property directly beneath my private variable. I figured I would just copy and paste it into the appropriate region.

Imagine my surprise when instead of generating the code beneath my variable, it popped up inside my "Public Properties" region!


I thought that this might be a fluke, so I added a few test regions in between to see if it was just grabbing the first one after it. Sure enough, however, it popped right back into the right region!


It's the little things, you know?

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Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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