2012: New Year, New Look, New Content!

After almost an entire year of distractions, procrastinations, disasters, setbacks, and beer, I finally sat myself down long enough to finally upgrade my site to the latest version of Sitefinity. With such a rapid, aggressive release schedule, Telerik has certainly kept me busy exploring the ever-increasing and always fantastic new features.

But as it does to everyone, the turning of the calendar to a new year has given me an opportunity to reflect, reset, and refocus.

SO MUCH has happened in the last year, both professionally but especially personally. We have a new house, a new car (it has power windows!), and this year will mark my 13 anniversary with my wife (officialy got together 13 years ago on Friday the 13th watching Friday the 13th!), and I feel like everything in my life has been leading up to this.

I don't know where 2012 will take me, but the one thing I am certain of is that procrastination and its inevitable excuses are certainly not going to get me there. So I'm ready to hit the ground running, and this site update is step #1!

In addition, I've also soft-launched my business website Page Init Solutions which is the culmination of almost TWO YEARS of bitter and utter failure. The site doesn't look like much now, but as I've become used to hearing in this profession: "If you're not embarrased by your website when it launched, you waited too long!"

Which is to say I'll be iterating on it as much as possible. This site is the new home base for everything I produce for use by the general public, including my old Sitefinity Toolkit (although that still does officially live on Codeplex).

But I'm not stopping there. This year I WILL learn to program WP7. I WILL start work on the now forgotten Rebate Reminder software. I WILL produce new modules, extensions, and controls for Sitefinity 4.

And I will succeed! Because 2012 is MY FREAKING YEAR!

Let's do this!

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SelArom Dot Net Profile Image

Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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