Sitefinity Toolkit 1.2 Released, Supports All Versions of 3.7

At long last, I've finally been able to successfully compile the Sitefinity Toolkit for ALL versions of the latest Sitefinity version 3.7! A lot of improvements have been added over the years, including fixing a few nasty bugs and completely rebuilding the Caching and Notification features. For a complete changelog and downloads for all versions, check the Sitefinity Toolkit Page.

Full Sitefinity 3.7 Support

As I just mentioned the BIGGEST change in this release is that it is now fully supported for ALL versions of Sitefinity 3.7, including all service packs up to SP4. In addition, all ASP.NET versions are also supported: 2.0, 3.5 and the new 4.0 (which is only currently available for SP4).

As I mentioned in my previous Sitefinity Toolkit update, this presented an interesting challenge, ultimately ending up required a total of 22 Visual Studio projects in the solution. I hope to put together a walkthrough of my experience to help anyone who might have an existing control in the Sitefinity Marketplace and wants to support multiple versions.

Although Sitefinity 4 is coming up fast (be sure and check out next week's webinar on the RC release!), current developers of 3.7 controls and tools will certainly want to make sure their products are available to anyone who might still be using them. So stay tuned for that very soon!

Mobile Toolkit Conflict

There is an important issue that I was unfortunately unable to resolve is a conflict between the Mobile Foundation (formerly Mobile Toolkit) developed by 51 Degrees and the Sitefinity Administration Login.

You are still able to enable the mobile device detection module, however you must disable the Mobile Foundation in web.config. For instructions, take a look at the updated Mobile Detection post. Disabling the Mobile Foundation will force the detection to fall back to the standard ASP.NET method IsMobileDevice, bypassing the WURFL definitions.

I hope that this change is only temporary while I work with 51 Degrees to try and figure out why this is happening. An update will be posted as soon as I have a fix!

An Important Reminder

Remember always that this Sitefinity Toolkit is a personal project, and is in no way an official Telerik product, nor is it supported officially by anyone other than myself. The software is provided as-is, and should be used at your own risk.

That being said I have tested it successfully on several sites, including this website you’re reading now, but I don’t have the resources to test on every platform and version. Please be sure to TEST, TEST, TEST before deploying this in a production environment. Should you encounter any issues, I would really appreciate your feedback!

With that being said I am pleased to also remind you that the Sitefinity Toolkit is finally permanently free of charge to use as you please. I will still not yet be distributing source code, but the Toolkit itself will always be without cost. Donations are always appreciated, but if nothing else, please send me your feedback so that I can continue to improve it for everyone (including myself)!

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SelArom Dot Net Profile Image

Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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