Sitefinity Toolkit Update October 2010

It took longer than I'd hoped to put the project together allowing me to support the Sitefinity Toolkit on all versions of Sitefinity 3.7, on ASP.NET 2.0, 3.5, AND 4.0 all the way up to the recently released SP4. However, after after a few updates to the project and adding some 2.0 and 4.0 compatible libraries, it looks like things are good to go!

However, I'm not confident enough to put them out into production simply because I have not tested them. I have a few sites I'm still running, but none like the half dozen I used to manage before joining Telerik! So instead, I'm turning to you, fellow Sitefinity developers for assistance.

If you would like to help me beta test the new release of the Toolkit (will be version 1.2, and I'll post a full change log when I release it hopefully early next week), please get in touch with me. Email me at josh at selarom dot net and I'll give you a link to the full download package which (hopefully!) includes support for all versions of Sitefinity 3.7.

Remember that this is still a personal project, and is in no way guaranteed or officially supported by Telerik or any other person but myself. So please use at your own risk and TEST, TEST, TEST!. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, and very helpful to getting this thing released out to the masses.

Free For Life

If I haven't already mentioned this before, because of the recent changes in my career, I've decided now to permanently make the Sitefinity Toolkit free for use by anyone without restrictions. While I will not be releasing the source code, I will do what I can to help and continue to add features as long as there is interest! And I certainly won't turn down a donation for my efforts :)

Sharing My Experience

There was an unexpected result from my attempt to put this new update together; setting up the Visual Studio solution to support multiple versions of Sitefinity was an interesting challenge. However, I took a lot of notes along the way, and want to share this experience with other Sitefinity developers so that they too can more easily support multiple versions of Sitefinity from a single code-base.

Although Sitefinity 4.0 is right around the corner, there is still a lot of developers active in the Sitefinity Marketplace. I hope that I can help make things easier by putting together a blog post detailing my experience attempting to support all versions of the latest Sitefinity 3.7. Look out for that within the next week, I hope to have it up soon!

In the meantime, if you have any questions, or want to help test the new Sitefinity Toolkit beta, please get in touch with me, thanks!

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Josh loves all things Microsoft and Windows, and develops solutions for Web, Desktop and Mobile using the .NET Framework, Azure, UWP and everything else in the Microsoft Stack.

His other passion is music, and in his spare time Josh spins and produces electronic music under the name DJ SelArom.

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